Beer Cocktails: Hokkaido Black and Tan


Two beers are always better than one.  This may not be a cocktail, per say, and seems pretty obvious, but hey, maybe you never thought of trying one with a Hokkaido beer.


  • Hokkaido Brewing Company Otaru Stout

  • Hokkaido Brewing Company Otaru Ale or Otaru Lager


  1. Hold your pint glass at an angle. Slowly fill just over halfway with Otaru Ale. It'll look 2/3 full including the head. Don't be afraid to get a nice, thick head on the beer. It'll help you separate your levels.

  2. Pour the Otaru Stout on delicately. Slow the flow control of the beer down to a trickle.

  3. Fill to the top, letting the stout hit the side of the glass. Once the head settles a bit, add a bit more.